One-quarter of the Earth’s population has no access to electricity or electric equipment. We are the other three-fourths
The size of this box matches the size of a 9V battery. If you put the battery in the box the LED will light up, but the box will be useless except for its decorative form since it is full. If you choose to light the LED, it will burn for about 52 hours before the battery runs out. This creates a feeling of limitation, even to us who have unlimited access to electricity.
When is the box functional? When it is filled with a battery and the electronic equipment is used as expected? Or when it is empty or filled with something else? The box could store small objects instead of a battery and the electronic components could be viewed as decoration instead of serving a function.
The LED could be seen as a warning light, reminding us about how easy it is to waste electricity.
Abstain and obtain a brighter future.